This is Heather. She is one of the helpers who takes in large items.

We are now to the point that you put over 35,000 items in a building in a matter of 15 hours. That is just mind-blowing to me, and it makes me so happy that we are just that good. Keep in mind that during that time, our helpers inspect the items and make sure that they are fit for our event. Please note that there are drop-off times with very specific notes that I need you to notice.

  • “STOP This shift is for those helping on Tuesday 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM” – If you see this note on a shift, don’t sign up for it unless you are helping during the time listed. Those helpers will be dropping off their items at some point during their shift. This helps Nicole know who needs to drop off so if there is a break, she can send them to bring their items in.

  • If you are dropping off more than 5 large items, please do your drop-off BEFORE 7:00 PM each night of drop off. If you need to make two separate trips, please sign up for two drop-off times.

  • Our drop-off shifts are in 15 minute increments and we average about 6 consignors every 15 minutes. To do this, we need you to also be organized and prepared. You are allowed to drop off your large items in the back before you drop off your clothing, etc. in the front. (If you have never consigned at one of our events, please see Nicole before you unload anything)

Tip: Make future you thank past you! If you have your items in order such as grouping clothing together by size/gender, toys together, baby items together, books, etc. it makes check-in even faster.
— Molly

Please utilize the online drop-off scheduler. We want to make things super efficient for you and us. Allow yourself at least 30 minutes for check-in. You will choose when to drop off your items on your consignor homepage.

Make sure your “active” list matches what you are dropping off. This will come in handy during pick-up. Remember to cross off any items that were rejected.

Please do not bring your children if they aren’t able to help. They will not have fun, especially if you still need to fill out Large Item Claim Tickets. I will say that having pre-teens & teenagers there to help you is amazing…Unless they are being moody and don’t want to help (May the odds be ever in your favor). You will have a hard time at pick up if they place items in the wrong location.

Check-in procedures - Watch the video. It makes more sense.

This is how the process should go. There is even a Drop-off Checklist that was created to help you! Once you do this a time or two, you will wonder why I have so many instructions about drop-off or why people don’t follow the guidelines.

For context, the Junior Fair Building is to the left of the skating rink. The main entrance is at the far end of the building.

  1. Line up from the far end of the building.

  2. Pull up as far as you can so we can get up to 3 vehicles unloading at once. Large items will not be unloaded here. They go to the other end of the building…refer to number 7.

  3. You will be assigned a table. Your items will be unloaded from your vehicle. Depending on how things are going inside, you may have to help unload your vehicle.

  4. Once your vehicle is unloaded - please move your car, then come back inside to complete your drop off.

  5. Come inside, wait for your items to be inspected (usually by the time you move your car, some of your items will be ready to go on the sales floor) and you will start putting them where they belong. See, this is where future you thanks past you because you aren’t trying to sort everything out there.

  6. Once all of your items are out, grab your rejected items (don’t worry, some of mine get rejected, too), check out at the front table to receive your wristband to shop early. Do mark on your list what you are taking home.

    Large Items - make it make sense!

  7. Large items will be unloaded at the back of the building. Either place them in your car first or last and then make a decision which spot you need to go to first. You do not have to check in at the front before unloading your large items. However, do not drop and run. You are in charge of setting up your items for inspection. Do not send someone (aka husband or dad) who is incapable of setting up items or is rude or unhelpful. (NOTE: Sometimes, Big Nate is doing some rearranging and will tell you not to set up your large items. This is the only time you are allowed to drop and run because then it is on him to get your item in the building.)

  8. Large Items will need Large Item Claim Tickets. You can get them before the sale, or you can fill them out at drop off. Do you need a Large Item Claim Ticket? Check here to find out.

  9. We need to look over the large items just like we do the small stuff. We will be inspecting the large items for cleanliness, batteries, broken pieces, etc.

  10. Yes, if you bring in something that is not assembled, you need to assemble it before you leave. You know how the item goes together; we don’t.

  11. Do not drop and run in the Large Item area. Make sure that your item has been accepted before you leave, otherwise, it may not be put on the sales floor.

Space planning is hard. There is a chance that we will run out of space for large items toward the end of the last drop-off day. If this happens, the large items brought in may be stored off the sales floor until we have space on the sales floor. Choose your drop-off time wisely.



If you are picking up leftover items, please continue reading! Pick-up works exactly like a drop-off, except in reverse!

  • Show up on the Monday of the half-price sale between 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm. After this time, the sale is over. You do not have to choose a pick up time. Just come within that time frame.

  • If you do not come at your pick-up time, leftover items will be donated.

  • Our sale ends at 3pm. Pick up starts at 4pm. Do not come early.

  • Your SOLD items in the system will be updated just before pick up. You can print a list at home or review it from your phone.

    • Tip: Double-check the list of things you are dropping off. Every single sale, someone cannot find something, and then they email me later when they realize that it never made it to the building

  • Everything that you dropped off that hasn’t sold will be there and we will not be moving items around to reorganize for pick up.

  • We highly suggest coming yourself to pick up your items. If you send someone else, it is going to take them twice as long as it will take you. You know what your items look like, and you know where to look.

  • Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time to look for your items when you come for pick up. Bring your bin, laundry basket or a box to carry your stuff home in with you.

  • Go to each area (books, shoes, toys, etc.) to pick up your items that didn’t sell or donate. *This is when good descriptions will help you find your items!

  • Your leftover clothing items should be easiest to grab because YOU placed the items there! You know the sizes you need and will recognize your items immediately.

  • Check the missing tags area. If we have been able to match up items with their tags, we will place those items in the correct location.

  • Don’t rush out. You will have your items checked by a helper before you leave so we know you are only taking your items. People make mistakes and grab the wrong items.

  • Any items left after pick up will be placed with the donation items.

Note from Molly:

Pick up used to be my least favorite thing about our event because there is always someone upset over a $2 set of onesies they can’t find. Oftentimes, you have just missed the item, and we find it after you have left, or you get home and remember that particular item was stained and rejected. I have created a form for you to let us know of any items that you have missing. I go over that list and send my helpers on searches for those items. When we find those items, I will contact you and find out what you would like me to do with the items. What you are not going to do is treat my helpers badly and act ugly. I will not tolerate that. If you feel like you need to express yourself and can’t hold it in, that’s what I’m there for. But I can promise you that I have and will do my absolute best to make sure we have done everything we can to protect your items. -Molly

Donations and Dollar Dash

Our donations will be going to local charities, foster families, and other local families or organizations in need. We started having Dollar Dash because we overwhelm charities with the number of donations. There was a time when we sent five truckloads of clothes to a local charity. It filled up their space and became a nuisance instead of a blessing. The money made from Dollar Dash still goes to charities so they can buy whatever supplies they need to help the local community.

We are giving away gift certificates to local organizations to come in and shop Dollar Dash for their organization. If you know of an organization that could use some of our donations, please have them fill out the form on the Donations page.