Get your consignor payout your way!

How do I get paid the money I’m owed?

This spring, I’m going to try something new. You get a choice on how you get paid. I can make payments via PayPal or I can mail you a check. If I can figure out mass payments on Venmo, I’ll add it to the list.

I prefer to make digital payments. I have spent so much time printing checks, signing them, alphabetizing them for pickup, separating checks to be mailed, waiting for people to cash them, etc., over the last 15 years. No more staying up all night reconciling over 300 accounts and printing checks. No more lost-in-the-mail checks. No more handling the payment info multiple times!! 

Please plan for your consignor payment to take up to two weeks. I have to wait for the money to go into my account before transferring it back to you.

Digital Account Payment Information

You will let us know during your drop off time how you prefer to be paid.

Make sure you know the email address tied to your account if you want to be paid via PayPal or Venmo.